A. BN Jerk Grip Push Press – 5 x 5 @ by feel
-anything more than the bar counts as set
-1 second pause in lockout/rep
B. SPU + Snatch
. 1 x 5+1 @ bar
. 1 x 4+1 @ by feel
. 1 x 3+1 @ by feel
. 1 x 2+1 @ by feel
. 1 x 1+1 @ by feel
-anything more than the bar counts on by feel
-can work up to heavy for this exercise; remember this is not a hip or high hang clean, but a lean back and pull under only
-1 set every 2 minutes
A. Small swing strict MU x 5 w/ spotter
B1. False grip ring pull ups x 3-5 x 3 sets  **5 sec pause at the top of each rep
B2. 1 1/8 strict Ring dips x 3 x 3 sets **full depth + small press out of bottom back down to full depth + press out
C1. P-lette DD HSPU feet elevated x 3-5 x 3 sets
C2. DD tricep push ups x 5-7 x 3 sets